Here are my strategies that enable me to eat (fairly) healthfully while enabling my crippling addiction to activity (seriously, it’s a sickness):
- Nuts. I always have almonds in my bag. These save my butt when I’m running in to teach a class and I haven’t eaten. The only down side…that powdery little brown skin sticks to the roof of my mouth and makes me cough for a long time. Note to self: Don’t eat almonds before I have to speak in public!
- Green Peppers. I core them and throw them into a baggie in my book bag, then eat them like an apple. I try to keep green peppers, little carrots, broccoli, and maybe even lightly grilled zucchini in the fridge all the time so I can throw them into a baggie and take them on a busy day…veggies are the hardest thing to get when you’re in a fast food frenzy, so I do try to stack the deck on this front.
- Fast food that’s decent. When I actually leave myself 15 minutes to eat, I depend on Jimmy John’s (lettuce wraps, no mayo) or Chipotle (chicken-something in salad format). Both are consistent, and consistently fast. I usually eat half my portion, then save the other half for later. Two mini meals! Mostly gluten-free, to boot. I find Subway is usually tediously slow, and most other fast-food spots don’t have many healthy options.
- A little Tupperware container of whey protein powder. Especially if I can’t get a real meal after a workout, this can save me from feeling run down. I use a very small container (just big enough for the powder & a little extra room), put the water in, cap it and shake it up, and drink about half of the thick goo – then water the rest down to drink it.
- Cottage cheese or Greek yoghurt. Either in their own little container, or in a Tupperware. The only down side is if it sits in your bag too terribly long…
- Apples. They don’t squish in my bag like a banana.
Finally, after a busy day or week of hectic meals on the run, I try to make any ‘sit down meals’ as vegetable based as possible: Chances are good that I’ve skimped on fruits and veggies, and had plenty of meat & dairy. Usually, by this point, the vegetables sound really delicious to me because my body is craving whatever nutrients it’s been missing (or maybe purely out of guilt, a prime motivator in my life.).
Until I deal with my addiction to constant motion and activity, I’ll have to keep finding creative ways to eat well on the run. After all, I can’t get too big for my jeans, I don’t have time to shop for new ones.